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Printed in solid resin not evidée (no holes).
Good quality resin (40€/kg).

Scaling for a 40mm base.
Average size per model 54mm.

These models were made by Quartermaster3D and are sold under license.

In the harrowing depths of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, where the clash between the forces of darkness and light reaches its pinnacle, the Harbingers of Darkness unleash a formidable arsenal of psychic might upon their enemies. Among their ranks stand the Psykers, powerful sorcerers bound to the malevolent forces of Chaos.

Amidst the chaotic turmoil of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, a terrifying presence stalks the battlefield—the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils, monstrous giants among the Harbingers of Darkness. These savage beasts, armed with an array of deadly weapons, serve the forces of chaos with unwavering loyalty.

The Corrupt Phoraxian Devils are towering behemoths, a twisted fusion of bestial ferocity and corrupted power. They stand head and shoulders above their lesser kin, their immense frames adorned with grotesque mutations and symbols of chaos. Clad in dark, tattered remnants of armor, they strike an imposing figure as they charge headlong into the fray.

These monstrous warriors wield an assortment of armaments, tailored to unleash devastation upon their foes. Some carry mighty weapons, swinging them with brutal force to cleave through armor and flesh alike. Others bear a shield in one hand, the embodiment of defense, while brandishing a deadly firearm in the other, raining a hail of bullets upon their hapless victims. Whether in close-quarters combat or raining death from a distance, the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils exhibit a deadly prowess that is unmatched.

In battle, their primal fury knows no bounds. Their bellowing roars fill the air, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. With each swing of their weapons, they leave a trail of carnage and destruction in their wake. They trample over fallen comrades and foes alike, their bloodlust insatiable, as they relentlessly pursue their quarry.

The allegiance of the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils lies firmly with the forces of chaos. They are twisted manifestations of the darkest desires and malevolent influence that permeate the battlefield. Their eyes burn with an unholy fire, reflecting the wickedness within their souls. They revel in the chaos and discord, embracing their monstrous nature as they sow fear and despair among the defenders of Vos-Phorax.

As the Siege of Vos-Phorax rages on, the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils emerge as harbingers of doom. Their monstrous forms cast long shadows across the beleaguered city, striking terror into the hearts of the defenders. They tear through enemy lines with ruthless efficiency, carving a path of destruction that leaves no doubt about their allegiance to the forces of chaos.

The Corrupt Phoraxian Devils are a testament to the twisted power that chaos bestows upon its followers. They embody the darkest aspects of the Harbingers of Darkness, their savage strength and relentless ferocity making them formidable adversaries. Their presence on the battlefield is a chilling reminder of the insidious influence of chaos and the horrors it can unleash upon the galaxy.

In the grim darkness of the distant future, amidst the devastating carnage of an unending war, the Siege of Vos-Phorax rages on. Within the chaos and corruption that envelops the battlefield, the forces of the Harbingers of Darkness unleash a terrifying breed of soldiers known as the Renegade Possessed. These cursed mutants, bound to the will of the malevolent forces of Chaos, embody the abominable fusion of man and daemon.

The Renegade Possessed, once proud warriors of the Imperium, have been twisted and corrupted by the insidious influence of the Warp. Their bodies contorted and mutated, they bear the physical marks of their damnation. Horns protrude from their flesh, their skin is mottled and disfigured, and their eyes burn with an unholy fire.

These abhorrent beings possess unhinged and unpredictable combat prowess. They possess strength beyond that of mortal men, capable of tearing through the ranks of their enemies with brutal efficiency. Their limbs contort in unnatural ways, granting them an agility that belies their grotesque appearance. Armed with wicked blades and imbued with the malefic energies of the Warp, the Renegade Possessed strike fear into the hearts of even the most stalwart defenders.

The Renegade Possessed are driven by an insatiable bloodlust, their minds tormented by the whispers of daemons. Their actions are guided by an unhinged and unyielding desire for violence and destruction. They revel in the chaos they sow, reveling in the screams and cries of their victims as they tear through their ranks.

In the midst of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, the Renegade Possessed surge forward, their bodies wracked with the unquenchable thirst for bloodshed. They care not for strategy or tactics; their existence is a relentless onslaught of violence. They charge into the fray, hacking and slashing, their mutations allowing them to shrug off wounds that would fell a lesser warrior.

But amidst the maddening chaos, there is a twisted sense of hierarchy among the Renegade Possessed. Some rise above their brethren, their mutations more pronounced, their connection to the daemonic powers stronger. These champions of the damned lead their chaotic brethren, their presence inspiring even greater acts of savagery.

As the Siege of Vos-Phorax reaches its crescendo, the Renegade Possessed become an unstoppable force of destruction. Their feral rage and unnatural abilities carve a path of devastation through the defenders, leaving a wake of carnage in their wake. The very fabric of reality strains under their assault as the forces of chaos push ever closer to victory.

Yet, in their tortured existence, the Renegade Possessed are not free from suffering. They are forever bound to the malefic powers that corrupt them, forever tormented by their own existence. Their only respite is found in the frenzy of battle, where their cursed souls find momentary release.

In the realm of the future, where darkness and despair reign supreme, the Renegade Possessed of the Harbingers of Darkness stand as a testament to the horrific allure of Chaos. Their mutant forms and deranged minds are but a glimpse into the terrifying depths of the Warp's influence. In the Siege of Vos-Phorax, they embody the twisted essence of the forces of Chaos, driving the defenders to the brink of annihilation.

In the war-torn world of the distant future, amidst the chaos and destruction of an unrelenting conflict, the Siege of Vos-Phorax unfolds. Here, the forces of darkness, veiled in malevolence and driven by the chaotic powers of the Warp, wage a relentless battle against the defenders of order. Among the ranks of the Harbingers of Darkness, the line infantry riflemen stand resolute, bearing the mark of the infernal forces that guide them.

These steadfast warriors, clad in darkened armor and adorned with twisted symbols of corruption, form the backbone of the Harbingers' forces. Known for their unyielding discipline and unwavering loyalty to their dark cause, the line infantry riflemen are a formidable presence on the battlefield. Their weapons, tainted by chaos, include deadly autoguns and brutal close-combat implements, allowing them to rain a hail of gunfire upon their foes or engage in brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Trained in the art of warfare and hardened by countless battles, the line infantry riflemen of the Harbingers of Darkness display a keen tactical acumen. They move with precision and purpose, utilizing cover and exploiting weaknesses in their enemies' defenses. Their unflinching resolve and ability to maintain cohesion under fire make them a force to be reckoned with.

As the Siege of Vos-Phorax intensifies, the line infantry riflemen find themselves at the forefront of the conflict. They hold the line against the relentless assaults of the defenders, their ranks unbroken by the hail of bullets and explosive ordnance. The cacophony of battle surrounds them, but they stand firm, their resolve unshaken.

Amidst the chaos, whispers of forbidden knowledge and dark rituals pervade the ranks. The corrupting influence of chaos weaves its way through their souls, fueling their actions and granting them unholy strength. Their loyalty to the dark powers is unwavering, for they have embraced the path of damnation in exchange for power and dominance.

The line infantry riflemen of the Harbingers of Darkness are not just soldiers but instruments of chaos, pawns in a grand scheme that spans the cosmos. Their actions serve a greater purpose, furthering the inexorable march of chaos across the universe.

In the crucible of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, the fate of worlds hangs in the balance. Will the line infantry riflemen of the Harbingers of Darkness emerge victorious, shattering the defenses of their enemies and plunging the realm into eternal darkness? Or will the defenders' resilience and the light of hope prove strong enough to repel the forces of chaos? The answer lies in the unfolding events of the battlefield, where the line infantry riflemen stand ready to claim victory for the forces of darkness.

The Harbingers of Darkness, an ominous and relentless infantry force, played a pivotal role in the infamous Siege of Vos-Phorax. In the war-torn world of this epic conflict, they stood as the vanguard of the Chaos forces, embodying the malevolence and corruption that sought to devour the Intergalactic Human Empire.

Clad in twisted and nightmarish armor, the Harbingers of Darkness emerged from the shadows, their presence striking fear into the hearts of even the bravest defenders. Their sinister visages concealed beneath ominous helmets, they epitomized the darkness that lurked within the depths of Chaos.

Armed with wickedly curved blades, cruelly forged firearms, and daemonic energy weapons, the Harbingers of Darkness unleashed a relentless onslaught upon the Imperial Guard and the fortifications of Vos-Phorax. Their every step resonated with the echoes of damnation, and their malevolent aura sowed discord and despair among their enemies.

With an unwavering allegiance to the dark powers that guided them, the Harbingers of Darkness exhibited a terrifying discipline in battle. They moved as a relentless tide, their ranks unbroken and unyielding. Their commanders, shrouded in the infernal knowledge bestowed upon them, orchestrated the chaos of war with calculated precision.

As the siege escalated, the Harbingers of Darkness fought with a fervor born from the belief that they were the chosen instruments of destruction. Their war cries echoed through the besieged city, mingling with the sounds of gunfire and the screams of the dying. They reveled in the carnage they wrought, relishing the terror they instilled.

Their malefic presence was felt not only on the front lines but also in the hearts and minds of the defenders. The insidious whispers of Chaos whispered promises of power and liberation, enticing some to abandon their posts and join the ranks of the Harbingers of Darkness. The corruption seeped into the very fabric of Vos-Phorax, threatening to unravel the resolve of the Imperial Guard.

Yet, for all their dark power, the Harbingers of Darkness were met with unwavering resistance. The defenders of Vos-Phorax, bolstered by the righteousness of their cause and the strength of their camaraderie, stood firm against the tide of darkness. The clashes between the two forces were brutal and unforgiving, each engagement a struggle between light and shadow.

Ultimately, the Siege of Vos-Phorax ended with the forces of Chaos repelled and the city saved from annihilation. The Harbingers of Darkness, though fierce and formidable, were unable to overcome the combined strength and resilience of the Imperial Guard.

The legacy of the Harbingers of Darkness serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the ever-present threat that Chaos poses to the Intergalactic Human Empire. Their malevolence and corruption stand as a testament to the eternal struggle between order and chaos, and the unyielding resolve of those who stand against the forces of darkness.

The Siege of Vos-Phorax was a legendary clash between the forces of Chaos and the Imperial Guard of the Intergalactic Human Empire. Set in a distant and grim future, this epic battle took place in a war-torn world where survival and victory hung in the balance.

The conflict erupted when the chaotic forces, led by their malevolent and twisted champions, launched a massive assault on the fortress city of Vos-Phorax. The city, a strategic stronghold of the Imperial Guard, stood as a bastion of hope in the face of darkness and corruption.

The defenders, comprised of brave Imperial Guard soldiers and valiant warriors from various regiments, stood united in their determination to repel the vile forces of Chaos. From the towering Basilisks to the relentless infantry, every soldier fought with unwavering loyalty and devotion to protect their homeworld and the values of the Intergalactic Human Empire.

The battle raged on for days, with both sides unleashing devastating firepower and employing cunning tactics. The Chaos forces, with their grotesque daemons and nightmarish war machines, sought to break the will of the defenders and plunge the city into an eternal abyss.

But the Imperial Guard soldiers, steadfast and resolute, held their ground. Their determination was fueled by the belief that the Emperor's light would guide them to victory. Bolstered by the leadership of their commanding officers and the unwavering support of the citizens of Vos-Phorax, they fought with unyielding courage.

As the battle intensified, both sides suffered heavy casualties. The city became a battleground, with crumbling buildings and shattered streets bearing witness to the ferocity of the conflict. The air was thick with the acrid stench of burning wreckage and the sounds of gunfire and screams of the fallen.

In the darkest hours of the siege, a pivotal moment arose when the Imperial Guard launched a daring counteroffensive. With tanks rumbling and infantry advancing, they reclaimed key positions and turned the tide of the battle. The Chaos forces, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, faltered in the face of the unwavering resolve of the Imperial Guard.

In a climactic final assault, the combined efforts of the Imperial Guard regiments broke through the Chaos lines, driving the forces of darkness back. The defenders of Vos-Phorax stood victorious, their resilience and bravery prevailing over the malevolence of Chaos.

The Siege of Vos-Phorax serves as a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Imperial Guard and the indomitable human spirit. It symbolizes the eternal struggle between light and darkness, order and chaos. The sacrifices made and the valor displayed during this epic battle will forever be etched in the annals of history, inspiring future generations to stand firm in the face of adversity.

Harbingers of darkness - Corrupt Phoraxian Devils Deamons of Chaos melee - Siege of Vos-Phorax, Quartermaster3D wargame modular miniatures

Regular price $17.00

Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout


  • x2 Troop
  • x2 Melee
  • 40mm bases
  • no bases


Printed in solid resin not evidée (no holes).
Good quality resin (40€/kg).

Scaling for a 40mm base.
Average size per model 54mm.

These models were made by Quartermaster3D and are sold under license.

In the harrowing depths of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, where the clash between the forces of darkness and light reaches its pinnacle, the Harbingers of Darkness unleash a formidable arsenal of psychic might upon their enemies. Among their ranks stand the Psykers, powerful sorcerers bound to the malevolent forces of Chaos.

Amidst the chaotic turmoil of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, a terrifying presence stalks the battlefield—the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils, monstrous giants among the Harbingers of Darkness. These savage beasts, armed with an array of deadly weapons, serve the forces of chaos with unwavering loyalty.

The Corrupt Phoraxian Devils are towering behemoths, a twisted fusion of bestial ferocity and corrupted power. They stand head and shoulders above their lesser kin, their immense frames adorned with grotesque mutations and symbols of chaos. Clad in dark, tattered remnants of armor, they strike an imposing figure as they charge headlong into the fray.

These monstrous warriors wield an assortment of armaments, tailored to unleash devastation upon their foes. Some carry mighty weapons, swinging them with brutal force to cleave through armor and flesh alike. Others bear a shield in one hand, the embodiment of defense, while brandishing a deadly firearm in the other, raining a hail of bullets upon their hapless victims. Whether in close-quarters combat or raining death from a distance, the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils exhibit a deadly prowess that is unmatched.

In battle, their primal fury knows no bounds. Their bellowing roars fill the air, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. With each swing of their weapons, they leave a trail of carnage and destruction in their wake. They trample over fallen comrades and foes alike, their bloodlust insatiable, as they relentlessly pursue their quarry.

The allegiance of the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils lies firmly with the forces of chaos. They are twisted manifestations of the darkest desires and malevolent influence that permeate the battlefield. Their eyes burn with an unholy fire, reflecting the wickedness within their souls. They revel in the chaos and discord, embracing their monstrous nature as they sow fear and despair among the defenders of Vos-Phorax.

As the Siege of Vos-Phorax rages on, the Corrupt Phoraxian Devils emerge as harbingers of doom. Their monstrous forms cast long shadows across the beleaguered city, striking terror into the hearts of the defenders. They tear through enemy lines with ruthless efficiency, carving a path of destruction that leaves no doubt about their allegiance to the forces of chaos.

The Corrupt Phoraxian Devils are a testament to the twisted power that chaos bestows upon its followers. They embody the darkest aspects of the Harbingers of Darkness, their savage strength and relentless ferocity making them formidable adversaries. Their presence on the battlefield is a chilling reminder of the insidious influence of chaos and the horrors it can unleash upon the galaxy.

In the grim darkness of the distant future, amidst the devastating carnage of an unending war, the Siege of Vos-Phorax rages on. Within the chaos and corruption that envelops the battlefield, the forces of the Harbingers of Darkness unleash a terrifying breed of soldiers known as the Renegade Possessed. These cursed mutants, bound to the will of the malevolent forces of Chaos, embody the abominable fusion of man and daemon.

The Renegade Possessed, once proud warriors of the Imperium, have been twisted and corrupted by the insidious influence of the Warp. Their bodies contorted and mutated, they bear the physical marks of their damnation. Horns protrude from their flesh, their skin is mottled and disfigured, and their eyes burn with an unholy fire.

These abhorrent beings possess unhinged and unpredictable combat prowess. They possess strength beyond that of mortal men, capable of tearing through the ranks of their enemies with brutal efficiency. Their limbs contort in unnatural ways, granting them an agility that belies their grotesque appearance. Armed with wicked blades and imbued with the malefic energies of the Warp, the Renegade Possessed strike fear into the hearts of even the most stalwart defenders.

The Renegade Possessed are driven by an insatiable bloodlust, their minds tormented by the whispers of daemons. Their actions are guided by an unhinged and unyielding desire for violence and destruction. They revel in the chaos they sow, reveling in the screams and cries of their victims as they tear through their ranks.

In the midst of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, the Renegade Possessed surge forward, their bodies wracked with the unquenchable thirst for bloodshed. They care not for strategy or tactics; their existence is a relentless onslaught of violence. They charge into the fray, hacking and slashing, their mutations allowing them to shrug off wounds that would fell a lesser warrior.

But amidst the maddening chaos, there is a twisted sense of hierarchy among the Renegade Possessed. Some rise above their brethren, their mutations more pronounced, their connection to the daemonic powers stronger. These champions of the damned lead their chaotic brethren, their presence inspiring even greater acts of savagery.

As the Siege of Vos-Phorax reaches its crescendo, the Renegade Possessed become an unstoppable force of destruction. Their feral rage and unnatural abilities carve a path of devastation through the defenders, leaving a wake of carnage in their wake. The very fabric of reality strains under their assault as the forces of chaos push ever closer to victory.

Yet, in their tortured existence, the Renegade Possessed are not free from suffering. They are forever bound to the malefic powers that corrupt them, forever tormented by their own existence. Their only respite is found in the frenzy of battle, where their cursed souls find momentary release.

In the realm of the future, where darkness and despair reign supreme, the Renegade Possessed of the Harbingers of Darkness stand as a testament to the horrific allure of Chaos. Their mutant forms and deranged minds are but a glimpse into the terrifying depths of the Warp's influence. In the Siege of Vos-Phorax, they embody the twisted essence of the forces of Chaos, driving the defenders to the brink of annihilation.

In the war-torn world of the distant future, amidst the chaos and destruction of an unrelenting conflict, the Siege of Vos-Phorax unfolds. Here, the forces of darkness, veiled in malevolence and driven by the chaotic powers of the Warp, wage a relentless battle against the defenders of order. Among the ranks of the Harbingers of Darkness, the line infantry riflemen stand resolute, bearing the mark of the infernal forces that guide them.

These steadfast warriors, clad in darkened armor and adorned with twisted symbols of corruption, form the backbone of the Harbingers' forces. Known for their unyielding discipline and unwavering loyalty to their dark cause, the line infantry riflemen are a formidable presence on the battlefield. Their weapons, tainted by chaos, include deadly autoguns and brutal close-combat implements, allowing them to rain a hail of gunfire upon their foes or engage in brutal hand-to-hand combat.

Trained in the art of warfare and hardened by countless battles, the line infantry riflemen of the Harbingers of Darkness display a keen tactical acumen. They move with precision and purpose, utilizing cover and exploiting weaknesses in their enemies' defenses. Their unflinching resolve and ability to maintain cohesion under fire make them a force to be reckoned with.

As the Siege of Vos-Phorax intensifies, the line infantry riflemen find themselves at the forefront of the conflict. They hold the line against the relentless assaults of the defenders, their ranks unbroken by the hail of bullets and explosive ordnance. The cacophony of battle surrounds them, but they stand firm, their resolve unshaken.

Amidst the chaos, whispers of forbidden knowledge and dark rituals pervade the ranks. The corrupting influence of chaos weaves its way through their souls, fueling their actions and granting them unholy strength. Their loyalty to the dark powers is unwavering, for they have embraced the path of damnation in exchange for power and dominance.

The line infantry riflemen of the Harbingers of Darkness are not just soldiers but instruments of chaos, pawns in a grand scheme that spans the cosmos. Their actions serve a greater purpose, furthering the inexorable march of chaos across the universe.

In the crucible of the Siege of Vos-Phorax, the fate of worlds hangs in the balance. Will the line infantry riflemen of the Harbingers of Darkness emerge victorious, shattering the defenses of their enemies and plunging the realm into eternal darkness? Or will the defenders' resilience and the light of hope prove strong enough to repel the forces of chaos? The answer lies in the unfolding events of the battlefield, where the line infantry riflemen stand ready to claim victory for the forces of darkness.

The Harbingers of Darkness, an ominous and relentless infantry force, played a pivotal role in the infamous Siege of Vos-Phorax. In the war-torn world of this epic conflict, they stood as the vanguard of the Chaos forces, embodying the malevolence and corruption that sought to devour the Intergalactic Human Empire.

Clad in twisted and nightmarish armor, the Harbingers of Darkness emerged from the shadows, their presence striking fear into the hearts of even the bravest defenders. Their sinister visages concealed beneath ominous helmets, they epitomized the darkness that lurked within the depths of Chaos.

Armed with wickedly curved blades, cruelly forged firearms, and daemonic energy weapons, the Harbingers of Darkness unleashed a relentless onslaught upon the Imperial Guard and the fortifications of Vos-Phorax. Their every step resonated with the echoes of damnation, and their malevolent aura sowed discord and despair among their enemies.

With an unwavering allegiance to the dark powers that guided them, the Harbingers of Darkness exhibited a terrifying discipline in battle. They moved as a relentless tide, their ranks unbroken and unyielding. Their commanders, shrouded in the infernal knowledge bestowed upon them, orchestrated the chaos of war with calculated precision.

As the siege escalated, the Harbingers of Darkness fought with a fervor born from the belief that they were the chosen instruments of destruction. Their war cries echoed through the besieged city, mingling with the sounds of gunfire and the screams of the dying. They reveled in the carnage they wrought, relishing the terror they instilled.

Their malefic presence was felt not only on the front lines but also in the hearts and minds of the defenders. The insidious whispers of Chaos whispered promises of power and liberation, enticing some to abandon their posts and join the ranks of the Harbingers of Darkness. The corruption seeped into the very fabric of Vos-Phorax, threatening to unravel the resolve of the Imperial Guard.

Yet, for all their dark power, the Harbingers of Darkness were met with unwavering resistance. The defenders of Vos-Phorax, bolstered by the righteousness of their cause and the strength of their camaraderie, stood firm against the tide of darkness. The clashes between the two forces were brutal and unforgiving, each engagement a struggle between light and shadow.

Ultimately, the Siege of Vos-Phorax ended with the forces of Chaos repelled and the city saved from annihilation. The Harbingers of Darkness, though fierce and formidable, were unable to overcome the combined strength and resilience of the Imperial Guard.

The legacy of the Harbingers of Darkness serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the ever-present threat that Chaos poses to the Intergalactic Human Empire. Their malevolence and corruption stand as a testament to the eternal struggle between order and chaos, and the unyielding resolve of those who stand against the forces of darkness.

The Siege of Vos-Phorax was a legendary clash between the forces of Chaos and the Imperial Guard of the Intergalactic Human Empire. Set in a distant and grim future, this epic battle took place in a war-torn world where survival and victory hung in the balance.

The conflict erupted when the chaotic forces, led by their malevolent and twisted champions, launched a massive assault on the fortress city of Vos-Phorax. The city, a strategic stronghold of the Imperial Guard, stood as a bastion of hope in the face of darkness and corruption.

The defenders, comprised of brave Imperial Guard soldiers and valiant warriors from various regiments, stood united in their determination to repel the vile forces of Chaos. From the towering Basilisks to the relentless infantry, every soldier fought with unwavering loyalty and devotion to protect their homeworld and the values of the Intergalactic Human Empire.

The battle raged on for days, with both sides unleashing devastating firepower and employing cunning tactics. The Chaos forces, with their grotesque daemons and nightmarish war machines, sought to break the will of the defenders and plunge the city into an eternal abyss.

But the Imperial Guard soldiers, steadfast and resolute, held their ground. Their determination was fueled by the belief that the Emperor's light would guide them to victory. Bolstered by the leadership of their commanding officers and the unwavering support of the citizens of Vos-Phorax, they fought with unyielding courage.

As the battle intensified, both sides suffered heavy casualties. The city became a battleground, with crumbling buildings and shattered streets bearing witness to the ferocity of the conflict. The air was thick with the acrid stench of burning wreckage and the sounds of gunfire and screams of the fallen.

In the darkest hours of the siege, a pivotal moment arose when the Imperial Guard launched a daring counteroffensive. With tanks rumbling and infantry advancing, they reclaimed key positions and turned the tide of the battle. The Chaos forces, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, faltered in the face of the unwavering resolve of the Imperial Guard.

In a climactic final assault, the combined efforts of the Imperial Guard regiments broke through the Chaos lines, driving the forces of darkness back. The defenders of Vos-Phorax stood victorious, their resilience and bravery prevailing over the malevolence of Chaos.

The Siege of Vos-Phorax serves as a testament to the unwavering spirit of the Imperial Guard and the indomitable human spirit. It symbolizes the eternal struggle between light and darkness, order and chaos. The sacrifices made and the valor displayed during this epic battle will forever be etched in the annals of history, inspiring future generations to stand firm in the face of adversity.

Harbingers of darkness -  Corrupt Phoraxian Devils Deamons of Chaos melee - Siege of Vos-Phorax, Quartermaster3D wargame modular miniatures
Harbingers of darkness - Corrupt Phoraxian Devils Deamons of Chaos melee - Siege of Vos-Phorax, Quartermaster3D wargame modular miniatures

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