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Printed in solid non-hollowed resin (no holes).
Good quality resin (40€/kg).
Bases not supplied.

Randomly packaged.

28mm scale (for Lotr/D&D).

These models were made by Quartermaster3D and are sold under license.


Here is a painting tutorial for this army:

Dunes of Qarath, the Desert Kingdom
The Dunes of Qarath, once a land of immense beauty and resilience, now stands as a region torn between its past and its future, a place where survival and commerce blend with conflict and oppression. Situated to the northeast of Gryndor, the desert kingdom stretches across vast expanses of golden dunes and scorching sands, offering little mercy to those unaccustomed to its punishing environment. To the south lie the Greyhills, a rugged mountainous region home to humans who have remained hostile toward Albian, while to the west, the Qarathians maintain a tenuous relationship with their neighbors in Sylvara.

Historically, the people of Qarath were known for their resourcefulness, their ability to thrive in an unforgiving desert climate, and their deep connection to the land. Nomadic clans roamed the dunes for centuries, guided by the stars and ancient oases, mastering desert survival and forming a proud and complex culture. Commerce was always central to life in Qarath, with caravans crossing the burning sands, trading spices, silk, and rare artifacts from distant lands. Qarath City, the heart of the kingdom, remains an oasis of civilization amidst the arid wasteland, where bustling markets and towering sandstone palaces reflect the wealth brought in by the region’s vast trade networks. Here, exotic goods from Ashmarsh, Dreadhold, Gryndor, and beyond find their way into the hands of merchants and nobles alike.

Yet, under the reign of Sahladorn, the desert kingdom has seen profound changes. Once a land of relative peace and cultural refinement, Qarath has become a theater of violence, domination, and political intrigue. Sahladorn, a ruthless and calculating clan chief, rose to power through strength and manipulation, uniting the once-scattered Qarathian clans under his iron-fisted rule. His reign has been marked by brutal enforcement of loyalty, crushing dissent with the lethal force of his elite Ibndorn warriors, and the consolidation of power in Qarath City. What was once a thriving network of independent clans is now subjected to Sahladorn’s harsh rule, as he seeks to reshape Qarath into a unified kingdom that serves his ambitions.

The commercial wealth of Qarath has always been its lifeblood, and Sahladorn, recognizing this, has worked to control and monopolize it. The caravans that once moved freely across the desert are now taxed heavily, and only those loyal to his rule are allowed to profit from the lucrative trade routes. Under Sahladorn’s command, the rich cultural tapestry of the region has been overshadowed by militarization and exploitation. The Ibndorn warriors, riding swift desert steeds and armed with scimitars and spears, patrol the trade routes, ensuring that no caravan crosses the sands without paying tribute to their leader.

However, Sahladorn’s iron grip on Qarath is far from secure. Many of the desert clans resent his heavy-handed rule, particularly his decision to ally with Agramon, the dark lord whose influence now creeps into Qarath from the north. While this alliance has granted Sahladorn access to powerful war machines and support from Dreadhold, it has also deepened the fractures within his kingdom. Agramon’s presence in the region is anathema to many Qarathians, who see the desert as sacred and who have long maintained a spiritual connection with the dunes and the stars. The alliance is a source of tension, with rebellions simmering in the mountains and among the scattered desert tribes.

The Burning Dunes, a region within the desert where the sand glows under the heat of the sun, serves as both a symbol of Qarath’s riches and a reminder of its peril. Many adventurers, both native and foreign, are drawn to this desolate place, lured by tales of buried treasures and ancient relics. However, few who venture into the Burning Dunes return, for the area is not only treacherous due to its heat but also home to creatures and traps that have been set by Qarath’s long-forgotten ancestors. It is whispered that Agramon’s dark influence has begun to stir these ancient horrors, bringing further chaos to the land.

Commerce still thrives in Qarath, but it has taken on a darker, more desperate tone. The once-friendly rivalries between traders have turned into cutthroat competition, with merchants forging uneasy alliances and betraying each other to gain favor with Sahladorn. The city’s markets are now filled with foreign traders, many of whom have come to exploit the chaos, seeking fortune amidst the instability. Among them are adventurers, mercenaries, and spies, all seeking to take advantage of the growing unrest. This influx of outsiders has further strained relations within the kingdom, as the native Qarathians see their culture being eroded by foreign influences.

Sahladorn’s rule is far from universally accepted. Though he controls the heart of the kingdom, many of the desert tribes remain defiant. These nomadic clans, though smaller and less organized than Sahladorn’s forces, have begun to resist his control through guerrilla tactics, striking at isolated Ibndorn patrols and disrupting the trade routes that fuel his war machine. They are aided by those who have suffered under Sahladorn’s brutal regime, particularly those whose families have been decimated by his forces.

The Dunes of Qarath stand at a crossroads, torn between their rich past and a future dominated by violence and oppression. The kingdom’s wealth, its strategic location, and its deep-rooted traditions have made it a target for both Agramon and ambitious figures like Sahladorn, but its people have not yet been fully subjugated. As rebellion simmers in the desert’s shadowy corners and rival clans plot Sahladorn’s downfall, the future of the Dunes of Qarath hangs in the balance, poised on the edge of a blade.

Nazir al-Farun – The Merchant Prince of Far Qarath
Nazir al-Farun, originally from the wealthy city of Far Qarath, arrived in the Dunes of Qarath as a humble merchant with dreams of fortune. Over the years, he has built an empire of wealth through his shrewd business acumen and strategic alliances with the traders and nobles of neighboring lands. Known for his charm and cunning, Nazir was quick to recognize the potential in Sahladorn’s rise to power. While others saw a despot, Nazir saw opportunity. He allied himself with Sahladorn, using his influence and wealth to secure exclusive trade routes with Ashmarsh, Gryndor, and Dreadhold.

His caravans are well-guarded, carrying precious metals, weapons, and exotic goods through the dangerous desert sands. Nazir has used his position to amass immense wealth, and his connections with Sahladorn have allowed him to monopolize much of the trade flowing through the Dunes of Qarath. However, beneath his polished exterior lies a man driven by ambition and greed. Nazir is always on the lookout for ways to expand his influence, regardless of who might be trampled in the process. His rivalry with Zaraya, a half-elf merchant, has escalated in recent years, as they vie for control of the region’s most lucrative trade routes.

Zaraya Delsaran – The Half-Elf Merchant Queen
Zaraya Delsaran is a figure of both beauty and mystery. Born to an Elf father from Everspring and a Qarathian mother, Zaraya’s early life was marked by tragedy and hardship. Abandoned by her father, she grew up in the unforgiving desert, learning the ways of survival from her mother’s people. As a half-elf, Zaraya was often an outcast, but she soon discovered that her striking beauty and sharp intellect could open doors that others could only dream of. With a keen sense for business, Zaraya turned her fortunes around and, over time, became one of the most powerful merchants in Qarath.

Zaraya’s empire extends beyond the Dunes of Qarath. She commands a fleet of ships, based on a small island between the desert and Everspring, and controls the vital trade routes between Qarath, Sylvara, and the elven kingdoms. Zaraya despises Sahladorn’s authoritarian rule and secretly funds rebel groups in the mountains, hoping to topple him from power. Her greatest rival is Nazir al-Farun, whose rise threatens her control of the trade routes she has fought so hard to establish. Unlike Nazir, Zaraya’s ambitions are not driven solely by wealth. She seeks to restore honor to her mother’s people and make Qarath a free and prosperous land once again.

Khalida of the Red Sands – The Warrior of Vengeance
Khalida was once a proud warrior of the Qarathian tribes, leading her people with honor and strength. That was before Sahladorn’s Ibndorn warriors swept through her village, slaughtering her entire family and leaving her for dead in the burning sands. Now, she is consumed by a thirst for vengeance. Khalida leads a band of rebels in the mountains south of Gryndor, striking at Sahladorn’s forces whenever the opportunity arises. Her fury has become legendary, and she has vowed to destroy Sahladorn and all those who follow him.

Khalida is a fierce and skilled warrior, her body scarred from the countless battles she has fought since the massacre of her family. She wields a pair of curved scimitars, fighting with a ferocity that makes her enemies fear her as much as they fear the desert itself. Khalida’s rebellion has grown over the years, and she has found allies in unexpected places. Zaraya, the merchant queen, has become one of her greatest supporters, providing her with funds and supplies to fuel the uprising. Together, they are determined to bring Sahladorn’s reign to an end, no matter the cost.

Jamal ibn Asim – The Captain of the Ibndorn
Jamal ibn Asim is a captain in Sahladorn’s elite force, the Ibndorn warriors. A man of unwavering loyalty, Jamal is one of the most respected soldiers in Qarath. He has known Sahladorn since their youth, and their shared vision of a unified Qarath has driven him to serve with absolute devotion. Jamal is a man of honor, but his rigid belief in unity has blinded him to the atrocities committed by Sahladorn’s forces. He believes that the only way to save Qarath from its enemies is through strength and discipline, and he sees Sahladorn as the only leader capable of achieving this.

Jamal harbors a deep, personal hatred for Vashnak the Vengeful, the orc mercenary responsible for the massacre of his clan. He has sworn to find and kill her, believing that her blood will wash away the shame of his people’s defeat. Jamal’s loyalty to Sahladorn has put him at odds with many of his fellow captains, some of whom question the leader’s brutal methods. Yet, Jamal remains steadfast, believing that Sahladorn’s rule is the only path to Qarath’s survival. His friendship with Kaelar the Betrayer, the infamous Drelkar adventurer, adds another layer of complexity to his life, as the two exchange secrets and favors in a delicate balance of mutual benefit.

Ayla of the Whispering Sands – The Sand Seer
The Sand Seer is an enigmatic figure in the Dunes of Qarath, a mystic and warrior whose wisdom is sought by both rebels and loyalists alike. Born to one of the lesser-known desert clans, Ayla became a wanderer in her youth, traveling across the desert and learning the ancient ways of the Qarathian people. She is a master of desert survival, but more importantly, she possesses a deep connection to the spiritual heart of the desert.

Ayla is a figure shrouded in mystery, a Seer of the desert whose visions have guided the clans of Qarath for generations. Her name is spoken in hushed tones, for it is said that she can hear the voice of the desert winds and read the future in the shifting sands. Ayla’s power is feared and respected by all, even Sahladorn. Though he seeks to control her, he knows better than to underestimate her influence over the people of Qarath. She lives in seclusion, far from the political intrigue of Qarath City, but her reach is long, and her influence is felt in the halls of power.

Ayla is known for her cryptic prophecies, which often lead those who seek her counsel down dangerous paths. She has no loyalty to Sahladorn or any other ruler, instead serving only the desert itself. Some say that Ayla has been quietly supporting the rebels, offering them guidance in their struggle against Sahladorn’s regime. Others whisper that she knows of a power buried deep beneath the sands of Qarath, a force that could change the fate of the desert forever. Whether she seeks to help or hinder the current power struggles is known only to her, and those who attempt to pry too deeply into her secrets rarely survive.

Harad - x4 Modular Cobra Warrior walking Bowmen Berber nomads, Bedouin Arabs Sarazins miniatures for wargame DnD, Lotr... Quatermaster3D

Regulärer Preis $136.00

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Bundle 07/24

  • x62 Bundle
  • x4 modular warriors

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Printed in solid non-hollowed resin (no holes).
Good quality resin (40€/kg).
Bases not supplied.

Randomly packaged.

28mm scale (for Lotr/D&D).

These models were made by Quartermaster3D and are sold under license.


Here is a painting tutorial for this army:

Dunes of Qarath, the Desert Kingdom
The Dunes of Qarath, once a land of immense beauty and resilience, now stands as a region torn between its past and its future, a place where survival and commerce blend with conflict and oppression. Situated to the northeast of Gryndor, the desert kingdom stretches across vast expanses of golden dunes and scorching sands, offering little mercy to those unaccustomed to its punishing environment. To the south lie the Greyhills, a rugged mountainous region home to humans who have remained hostile toward Albian, while to the west, the Qarathians maintain a tenuous relationship with their neighbors in Sylvara.

Historically, the people of Qarath were known for their resourcefulness, their ability to thrive in an unforgiving desert climate, and their deep connection to the land. Nomadic clans roamed the dunes for centuries, guided by the stars and ancient oases, mastering desert survival and forming a proud and complex culture. Commerce was always central to life in Qarath, with caravans crossing the burning sands, trading spices, silk, and rare artifacts from distant lands. Qarath City, the heart of the kingdom, remains an oasis of civilization amidst the arid wasteland, where bustling markets and towering sandstone palaces reflect the wealth brought in by the region’s vast trade networks. Here, exotic goods from Ashmarsh, Dreadhold, Gryndor, and beyond find their way into the hands of merchants and nobles alike.

Yet, under the reign of Sahladorn, the desert kingdom has seen profound changes. Once a land of relative peace and cultural refinement, Qarath has become a theater of violence, domination, and political intrigue. Sahladorn, a ruthless and calculating clan chief, rose to power through strength and manipulation, uniting the once-scattered Qarathian clans under his iron-fisted rule. His reign has been marked by brutal enforcement of loyalty, crushing dissent with the lethal force of his elite Ibndorn warriors, and the consolidation of power in Qarath City. What was once a thriving network of independent clans is now subjected to Sahladorn’s harsh rule, as he seeks to reshape Qarath into a unified kingdom that serves his ambitions.

The commercial wealth of Qarath has always been its lifeblood, and Sahladorn, recognizing this, has worked to control and monopolize it. The caravans that once moved freely across the desert are now taxed heavily, and only those loyal to his rule are allowed to profit from the lucrative trade routes. Under Sahladorn’s command, the rich cultural tapestry of the region has been overshadowed by militarization and exploitation. The Ibndorn warriors, riding swift desert steeds and armed with scimitars and spears, patrol the trade routes, ensuring that no caravan crosses the sands without paying tribute to their leader.

However, Sahladorn’s iron grip on Qarath is far from secure. Many of the desert clans resent his heavy-handed rule, particularly his decision to ally with Agramon, the dark lord whose influence now creeps into Qarath from the north. While this alliance has granted Sahladorn access to powerful war machines and support from Dreadhold, it has also deepened the fractures within his kingdom. Agramon’s presence in the region is anathema to many Qarathians, who see the desert as sacred and who have long maintained a spiritual connection with the dunes and the stars. The alliance is a source of tension, with rebellions simmering in the mountains and among the scattered desert tribes.

The Burning Dunes, a region within the desert where the sand glows under the heat of the sun, serves as both a symbol of Qarath’s riches and a reminder of its peril. Many adventurers, both native and foreign, are drawn to this desolate place, lured by tales of buried treasures and ancient relics. However, few who venture into the Burning Dunes return, for the area is not only treacherous due to its heat but also home to creatures and traps that have been set by Qarath’s long-forgotten ancestors. It is whispered that Agramon’s dark influence has begun to stir these ancient horrors, bringing further chaos to the land.

Commerce still thrives in Qarath, but it has taken on a darker, more desperate tone. The once-friendly rivalries between traders have turned into cutthroat competition, with merchants forging uneasy alliances and betraying each other to gain favor with Sahladorn. The city’s markets are now filled with foreign traders, many of whom have come to exploit the chaos, seeking fortune amidst the instability. Among them are adventurers, mercenaries, and spies, all seeking to take advantage of the growing unrest. This influx of outsiders has further strained relations within the kingdom, as the native Qarathians see their culture being eroded by foreign influences.

Sahladorn’s rule is far from universally accepted. Though he controls the heart of the kingdom, many of the desert tribes remain defiant. These nomadic clans, though smaller and less organized than Sahladorn’s forces, have begun to resist his control through guerrilla tactics, striking at isolated Ibndorn patrols and disrupting the trade routes that fuel his war machine. They are aided by those who have suffered under Sahladorn’s brutal regime, particularly those whose families have been decimated by his forces.

The Dunes of Qarath stand at a crossroads, torn between their rich past and a future dominated by violence and oppression. The kingdom’s wealth, its strategic location, and its deep-rooted traditions have made it a target for both Agramon and ambitious figures like Sahladorn, but its people have not yet been fully subjugated. As rebellion simmers in the desert’s shadowy corners and rival clans plot Sahladorn’s downfall, the future of the Dunes of Qarath hangs in the balance, poised on the edge of a blade.

Nazir al-Farun – The Merchant Prince of Far Qarath
Nazir al-Farun, originally from the wealthy city of Far Qarath, arrived in the Dunes of Qarath as a humble merchant with dreams of fortune. Over the years, he has built an empire of wealth through his shrewd business acumen and strategic alliances with the traders and nobles of neighboring lands. Known for his charm and cunning, Nazir was quick to recognize the potential in Sahladorn’s rise to power. While others saw a despot, Nazir saw opportunity. He allied himself with Sahladorn, using his influence and wealth to secure exclusive trade routes with Ashmarsh, Gryndor, and Dreadhold.

His caravans are well-guarded, carrying precious metals, weapons, and exotic goods through the dangerous desert sands. Nazir has used his position to amass immense wealth, and his connections with Sahladorn have allowed him to monopolize much of the trade flowing through the Dunes of Qarath. However, beneath his polished exterior lies a man driven by ambition and greed. Nazir is always on the lookout for ways to expand his influence, regardless of who might be trampled in the process. His rivalry with Zaraya, a half-elf merchant, has escalated in recent years, as they vie for control of the region’s most lucrative trade routes.

Zaraya Delsaran – The Half-Elf Merchant Queen
Zaraya Delsaran is a figure of both beauty and mystery. Born to an Elf father from Everspring and a Qarathian mother, Zaraya’s early life was marked by tragedy and hardship. Abandoned by her father, she grew up in the unforgiving desert, learning the ways of survival from her mother’s people. As a half-elf, Zaraya was often an outcast, but she soon discovered that her striking beauty and sharp intellect could open doors that others could only dream of. With a keen sense for business, Zaraya turned her fortunes around and, over time, became one of the most powerful merchants in Qarath.

Zaraya’s empire extends beyond the Dunes of Qarath. She commands a fleet of ships, based on a small island between the desert and Everspring, and controls the vital trade routes between Qarath, Sylvara, and the elven kingdoms. Zaraya despises Sahladorn’s authoritarian rule and secretly funds rebel groups in the mountains, hoping to topple him from power. Her greatest rival is Nazir al-Farun, whose rise threatens her control of the trade routes she has fought so hard to establish. Unlike Nazir, Zaraya’s ambitions are not driven solely by wealth. She seeks to restore honor to her mother’s people and make Qarath a free and prosperous land once again.

Khalida of the Red Sands – The Warrior of Vengeance
Khalida was once a proud warrior of the Qarathian tribes, leading her people with honor and strength. That was before Sahladorn’s Ibndorn warriors swept through her village, slaughtering her entire family and leaving her for dead in the burning sands. Now, she is consumed by a thirst for vengeance. Khalida leads a band of rebels in the mountains south of Gryndor, striking at Sahladorn’s forces whenever the opportunity arises. Her fury has become legendary, and she has vowed to destroy Sahladorn and all those who follow him.

Khalida is a fierce and skilled warrior, her body scarred from the countless battles she has fought since the massacre of her family. She wields a pair of curved scimitars, fighting with a ferocity that makes her enemies fear her as much as they fear the desert itself. Khalida’s rebellion has grown over the years, and she has found allies in unexpected places. Zaraya, the merchant queen, has become one of her greatest supporters, providing her with funds and supplies to fuel the uprising. Together, they are determined to bring Sahladorn’s reign to an end, no matter the cost.

Jamal ibn Asim – The Captain of the Ibndorn
Jamal ibn Asim is a captain in Sahladorn’s elite force, the Ibndorn warriors. A man of unwavering loyalty, Jamal is one of the most respected soldiers in Qarath. He has known Sahladorn since their youth, and their shared vision of a unified Qarath has driven him to serve with absolute devotion. Jamal is a man of honor, but his rigid belief in unity has blinded him to the atrocities committed by Sahladorn’s forces. He believes that the only way to save Qarath from its enemies is through strength and discipline, and he sees Sahladorn as the only leader capable of achieving this.

Jamal harbors a deep, personal hatred for Vashnak the Vengeful, the orc mercenary responsible for the massacre of his clan. He has sworn to find and kill her, believing that her blood will wash away the shame of his people’s defeat. Jamal’s loyalty to Sahladorn has put him at odds with many of his fellow captains, some of whom question the leader’s brutal methods. Yet, Jamal remains steadfast, believing that Sahladorn’s rule is the only path to Qarath’s survival. His friendship with Kaelar the Betrayer, the infamous Drelkar adventurer, adds another layer of complexity to his life, as the two exchange secrets and favors in a delicate balance of mutual benefit.

Ayla of the Whispering Sands – The Sand Seer
The Sand Seer is an enigmatic figure in the Dunes of Qarath, a mystic and warrior whose wisdom is sought by both rebels and loyalists alike. Born to one of the lesser-known desert clans, Ayla became a wanderer in her youth, traveling across the desert and learning the ancient ways of the Qarathian people. She is a master of desert survival, but more importantly, she possesses a deep connection to the spiritual heart of the desert.

Ayla is a figure shrouded in mystery, a Seer of the desert whose visions have guided the clans of Qarath for generations. Her name is spoken in hushed tones, for it is said that she can hear the voice of the desert winds and read the future in the shifting sands. Ayla’s power is feared and respected by all, even Sahladorn. Though he seeks to control her, he knows better than to underestimate her influence over the people of Qarath. She lives in seclusion, far from the political intrigue of Qarath City, but her reach is long, and her influence is felt in the halls of power.

Ayla is known for her cryptic prophecies, which often lead those who seek her counsel down dangerous paths. She has no loyalty to Sahladorn or any other ruler, instead serving only the desert itself. Some say that Ayla has been quietly supporting the rebels, offering them guidance in their struggle against Sahladorn’s regime. Others whisper that she knows of a power buried deep beneath the sands of Qarath, a force that could change the fate of the desert forever. Whether she seeks to help or hinder the current power struggles is known only to her, and those who attempt to pry too deeply into her secrets rarely survive.

Harad - x4 Modular Cobra Warrior walking Bowmen Berber nomads, Bedouin Arabs Sarazins miniatures for wargame DnD, Lotr... Quatermaster3D
Harad - x4 Modular Cobra Warrior walking Bowmen Berber nomads, Bedouin Arabs Sarazins miniatures for wargame DnD, Lotr... Quatermaster3D


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